Online ISSN: 3023-6509
Latest Issues
Aims & Scope
Bulletin of Materials Science and Metallurgy is a multidisciplinary journal which is devoted to publishing high-quality experimental research, technical evaluations, and reviews within the various fields of Materials Science and Metallurgy. BMSM aims to provide a high-profile, leading-edge forum for academic researchers, industrial professionals, engineers, educators and policy makers working in the field of Materials Science and Metallurgy.
The owner of the Bulletin of Materials Science and Metallurgy is the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA) Chamber of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.
- Bulletin of Materials Science and Metallurgy is now indexed by Crossref.01.10.2024
- Memorial print of the first issue of BMSM published.
[ download ]18.09.2024